06 February 2012 |
Russia is a major importer of furniture and furniture made in Italy. The style, quality and Italian design has always been appreciated by the privileged classes and sectors of the Russian population. To be imported and sold freely, however, these products must undergo certain procedures for conformity assessment, which we will briefly describe in this article.
17 January 2012 |
The EurAsEC Customs Union Commission has decided to extend the validity of the hygienic certificates issued by Member States before the entry into force of the Agreement on sommon sanitary measures in the Customs Union. It says the Commission Decision no. 888 of 09/12/2011. To this end it is noted that the sanitary certificates are the export reports, documents issued before 01/07/2010 and sanitary certificates (state registration certificate), issued by Russian health authorities until 01/01/2011, i.e. after the entry into force of the Agreement on common sanitary
28 December 2011 |
On December 11th, 2011 as part of the implementation of Belarusian President Directive No. 4 of 31/12/2010 and with the aim to harmonize the single list of products subject to mandatory certification in EurAsEC Customs Union, in the Belarus entered into force a new list of products subject to mandatory certification. The new list has about 500 entries. From the chapter dedicated to mandatory certification more than 130 entries have been excluded.
27 November 2011 |
On October 21, 2011 came into force the federal law No 248 of 19/07/2011 "On the modification of some legislative acts of the Russian Federation in relation to the implementation of the provisions of federal law "On technical regulation". In particular, Article 24 of the Law No. 248 amended the Article 7 of the Federal Law No. 116 of 21/07/1997 "On the safety of industrial plants considered dangerous." The changes have literally "dismantled" the current rules on issuing the permits to use of Rostekhnadzor.
15 November 2011 |
November 10, 2011 after 18 years of negotiations, Russia has joined the World Trade Organization and will participate at the upcoming summit of the Organization to be held in mid-December. This will involve greater trade openness on the part of the country: lower import duties (ceiling which drops from 10 to 7.8%) and greater competitiveness in exports, with a major push
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