RUSTANDARD - Product Registration and Certification
GOST R, Gost Russia, Gost Standard, RTN, GGTN

The registration procedure of conformity declaration has been simplified

25 June 2012

The registration procedure of conformity declaration has been simplifiedFrom June 1, 2012 in connection with the entry into force of the Order № 76 of 21.02.2012 of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, the procedure of the registration of Declarations of Conformity has been changed. The new rules apply only to the declarations of conformity to Technical regulations of the Russian Federation and the Customs Union. In addition, the procedure of forming and maintaining of a single register of


Rustandard among the exhibitors at the fair of automation in Parma

14 May 2012

Rustandard among the exhibitors at the fair of automation in ParmaIn the occasion the international exhibition and conference for electric automation exhibition to be held from May 22 to 24 in Parma (Italy), Rustandard is pleased to invite all those who wish to know more about the certification of the CIS countries to stand at 019, Hall 2. On 24 May at 10.30 am in Room 300 of (in front of Hall 2) is provided for the direct intervention of the responsible of Rustandard Italy with a report on certification and


Certification of the burners and heaters in Russia

18 April 2012

Certification of the burners and heaters in RussiaThe burners, hot air generators and almost all gas appliances, liquid fuel or a mixture usually belong to a category of products that may pose a potential source of risk to their user safety and location of their installation. Consequently, for these devices in the Russian Federation the compulsory certification is required.
At the date of publication of this article in Russia have been approved and came into force two legal documents that establish minimum requirements for this type of equipment. This is the Technical regulation No. 753 of 15/09/2009


Certification of valves: classification and reference standards

02 April 2012

Certification of valves: classification and reference standardsIn the most common sense of the term, a valve is a basic component in a more complex mechanism of pipes and serves as a liquid, placed under pressure, can easily pass through or not, depending on its opening or closing through it, then escape and get to your destination. More precisely, a valve is located in the heart of this mechanism and is activated by an automatic and manual, able to regulate the delivery and the passage of fluids or gaseous substances.


Entered into force the first Technical Regulation of the Customs Union

22 February 2012

Entered into force the first Technical Regulation of the Customs UnionOn 15/02/2012 entered into force the first Technical Regulation of the Customs Union CU TP 006/2011 "On safety of fireworks". The effect of this regulatory document covers produced for circulation in the territory of the Customs Union fireworks, regardless of their country of origin. Requirements affecting, in particular, household and entertainment pyrotechnics, lighting and signal pyrotechnics, fireworks, as well as industrial, educational and

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