RUSTANDARD - Product Registration and Certification
GOST R, Gost Russia, Gost Standard, RTN, GGTN

Customs Union between Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus

19 August 2010

On July 1, came into force on the Customs Code, which is the main operating under the Customs Union between the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan and Belarus.Among the most significant immediate effects of the Customs Code introduced by the EU are the adoption of common standards of health and hygiene across a range of commodities and changes in import of alcoholic beverages in the customs area: the limit of transport for individuals decreased from ten to five liters, while the relief is not subject to the duty increases from two to three liters.


Customs and origin certificates in the Russian Federation

18 August 2010

Customs operations in the Russian Federation are often a problem for companies, especially the lack of transparency and adequate knowledge of the general customs and tariff rules. The various required certificates should be properly presented to the customs authorities. This will facilitate the work of officials and streamline the bureaucratic procedures of customs clearance. There are various types of certificates in the Russian Federation.

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