RUSTANDARD - Product Registration and Certification
GOST R, Gost Russia, Gost Standard, RTN, GGTN

Approved the Technical Regulation "On the security of packages"

22 October 2011

Approved the Technical Regulation "On the security of packages"The Customs Union Commission has approved the Technical Regulation "On the security of packages", Decision no. 769 of 16/08/2011. The Technical Regulation will come into force on 01/07/2012.
Documents of compliance issued by a Member State before the entry into force of this Regulation shall be valid until their expiry, but no later than 15/02/2014.


Certification of shoes for children and adults in Russia

02 October 2011

Certification of shoes for children and adults in RussiaIf you are a manufacturer or distributor of shoes and you are going to export your products to the Russian market, sooner or later you will have to come up to the issue of Gost Standard certification.
The footwear in Russia today are regulated as follows: for adult footwear is required declaration of conformity GOST R, while for children's shoes mandatory GOST R certificate.


Certification of clothing for children and adults in Russia

29 September 2011

Certification of clothing for children and adults in RussiaThe certification of clothing is the formalization of the following documents: test report, certificate or statement of compliance with mandatory GOST R Why does not the statement or certificate and vice versa? Because for all adult clothing, including underwear and outerwear for all the required declaration of conformity GOST R As for children's clothing, workwear and special work clothing is required GOST R certificate required.


Clarifications on certification schemes and involved parties

09 September 2011

Very often our customers ask us the question of who can be the applicant for the certificates of conformity. We have an official response to this question from Russian Research Institute for Certification "VNIIS". To understand the topic of the subject we will make a brief summary of the certification process exists in Russia today.


Ukraine abolished the mandatory certification of certain products

04 September 2011

The Press Office of the State Committee for Regulatory Policy and Entrepreneurship technique has announced the abolition of mandatory certification of products with a low level of risk and partially food.
I am no longer subject to compulsory certification mineral water and water in airtight containers, soft drinks, drink concentrates and drinks with a maturity of more than 30 days, fish and seafood (caviar, smoked fish and dried), more.

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