RUSTANDARD - Product Registration and Certification
GOST R, Gost Russia, Gost Standard, RTN, GGTN

Modena 18/04/2013: Exporting Machinery and Equipment to Russia

11 April 2013

Modena 18/04/2013: Exporting Machinery and Equipment to RussiaThursday, April 18, 2013 9.00 - 13.00 in the Conference Room Villa Marchetti in Modena will be held a Workshop on "Export Machinery in Russia" organized by dall'ACIMAC and UCIMA in collaboration with Rustandard Ltd. and AC & E S.r.l. The seminar is aimed at providing manufacturers and exporters of machinery and equipment in the countries of the Customs Union EurAsEC an overview of the new rules in the field of product certification and give them the practical guidance on how to adapt their products to the


Six new Technical Regulations of the Customs Union came into force

18 February 2013

Six new Technical Regulations of the Customs Union came into forceThe February 15, 2013 marked the end and the beginning of a new era in the field of certification of machines in Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan. Farewell to the famous GOST R/ RT, GOST K, GOST B for machines, gas appliances, lifts, electrical and electronic products. Strong impact on manufacturers and exporters in the next shipment of products covered by the new Technical Regulations of the Customs Union to the countries of EurAsEC.

On 15/02/2013 entered into force the following Technical Regulations (Directives) of the Customs Union:


In Russia came into force new rules for registration of medical devices

14 January 2013

In Russia came into force new rules for registration of medical devicesOn 01.01.2013 entered into force the Government Decree of December 27, 2012 N 1416 on the approval of rules of state registration of medical devices. Previously existing administrative regulations of Roszdravnadzor, approved by Ministry of Health of October 30, 2006 N 735, expired.
Under the new rules, the medical devices registration certificates valid for an indefinite term, issued before the date of the entrance into the force of the above mentioned resolution, remain valid, but must be replaced before


New procedure for importing samples of medical devices in Russia

31 October 2012

New procedure for importing samples of medical devices in RussiaOn 14.08.2012 entered into force the order of the Russian Ministry of Health no. 7n of 15/06/2012, which introduced a new procedure for the import of samples of a medical device for the purpose of its registration with the Ministry of Health. The ministerial order has introduced a special permit for the importation of samples of a medical device, issued by the Federal Service on Surveillance in Healthcare (Roszdravnadzor). It is valid for 6 months and is expendable once.


The registration procedure of conformity declaration has been simplified

25 June 2012

The registration procedure of conformity declaration has been simplifiedFrom June 1, 2012 in connection with the entry into force of the Order № 76 of 21.02.2012 of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, the procedure of the registration of Declarations of Conformity has been changed. The new rules apply only to the declarations of conformity to Technical regulations of the Russian Federation and the Customs Union. In addition, the procedure of forming and maintaining of a single register of

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